Entrepreneurial Spirit
We are a family business group from Mendoza, which started its commercial activities in 1971. Since then, we have developed undertakings of recognized impact. We have created true landmarks in Mendoza and in the neighboring country, Chile.
Los Árboles
Located in the heart of the Uco Valley, at 1,180 meters above sea level in a temperate climate zone, with great thermal amplitude, ideal for this type of production. Tunuyan, Mendoza, Argentina
It is located in Zona Agricola Altamira, Uco Valley, at 1,060 meters above sea level in a dry climate zone, with great thermal amplitude, ideal for this type of production. San Carlos, Mendoza, Argentina
Altamira Alta
The farm has more than 500 hectares in the process of planting walnut trees. We are committed to the growth and optimization of resources.
Location: 1,150 meters above sea level, in Zona Agricola Altamira, Valle de Uco, San Carlos, Mendoza, Argentina.
Our Products
We are an excellent alternative for quality and diversification in the commercialization and export of premium Chandler walnuts in the northern hemisphere counter-season.
100% integrated management: we are producers, processors and exporters.
Ph: +54 9 261 710-8807
2875 San Martin Sur St.
1st floor, room D24
Godoy Cruz, Mendoza – Argentina